Thursday, October 10, 2019

Coloured Beans and Belonging

Our school theme for the year is from Psalm 24:1, with emphasis on the word “belong” that we read in that text. Connected to our theme, a recent SK math lesson blurred the lines in delightful ways between math, Bible, and growth in the life of faith.

Mrs. Stortz had the students taste test green and purple coloured beans with blindfolds on and indicate their preference for either “A” or “B“. They practiced counting votes with tally marks and making observations of what they discovered.

Most thought the beans tasted very similar. Once they cut open both colours of beans, they discovered the insides were the same. They talked about how both beans belong in Gods garden, just like all kinds of people belong to God because, as one student spontaneously declared, “God only looks at our heart!“  

Here is evidence of the blessed spot we live and work in every day at LCES, where we are able to declare “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:1) and that guides all learning, regardless of the subject. What joy there is to have our students learn in a place where all things can be presented as connected, whole, and having God-intended purpose! Praise God for such moments of joyful response to God’s amazing world.


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