Monday, September 25, 2023

Truth & Reconciliation @ LCES

I'm so grateful for our staff who lean into challenging topics and meaningful learning for our students. Our LCES team is amazing!

Our students were challenged this morning to process "National Day for Truth and Reconciliation" in their crew chapel groups. (This means they sit in groups of about 10 students, one from each grade). 

It reminds me that community and relationship is the best context for learning. 

This is a blessing for our students, and the world who needs to hear God's story by them today, and in the future. 


Monday, September 18, 2023

To Be Noticed and Known

One of many things I am grateful for at LCES are when a student gets some individual time with an adult. It may be just a few moments as our staff move through their responsibilities, but these are very influential parts of a day where our students are being noticed, which confirms they are known and they matter at LCES. This is a beautiful thing and I'm grateful that we can support relationships as the core of learning in this way. 


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Moments of Gratitude

I'm thankful for many things at LCES. Here are four I noticed in the first week of school:

At our school students see themselves first as God's children. That's beautiful. 

Relationships are important and are the context of learning. That's life giving.

Students respect and love their teachers at LCES. That's beautiful. 

Innovation and change are part of LCES. That's exciting!

It's going to be an awesome year. 


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

A New Year Begins: Our Place in God’s Big Story

By God’s grace, for the 63
rd time in our school’s history a community of parents and school staff are ready for a new year of learning and living by faith. We’re so thankful for the work of school custodians and maintenance volunteers who have cleaned, painted, and spruced up our building. Our teachers have been working for weeks to get ready to welcome more than 190 students today. God is good and God is faithful!

Schools are placed of relationships and stories, and we’re excited that both of those can be rooted in God’s truth at LCES. This year we will be exploring our place in God’s Big Story (Psalm 89:1-2) as His people who live connected to a grand story that connects us all the way back to creation and all the way forward a fully renewed creation. Knowing where we are in that story guides our learning, strengthens our connection to others, and draws us deeper into God’s beautiful world. We’ll share more on this as the year progresses. 

Whether it is your first year or you’ve lost count, we are glad you are here for this next chapter of God’s Big Story. Please join our staff in praying for a wonderful year of growing together.