Monday, September 8, 2014

A singing creation

A student shared with me that they had learned about the creation story last week. I asked if they had heard it before, to which they responded, “Yes, but it was different this year. I never knew that no one had to create God before creation could start. He was already there.” I smiled and was grateful for another step of understanding on the journey of faith for one of our students. Our days are full of these “significant moments” at LCES and we are encouraged by their spontaneity and their long-term significance.

“The earth is filled with his glory, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown..”

The sound of young voices singing drew me in from the hallway to hear one of the choir classes underway in our music room last week. A group of students were enthusiastically singing these words. Both the book of Isaiah and the Psalms remind us frequently that the world is full of God’s glory. While our students often think of God at work in creation originally, as described in the account of creation, I notice they are less inclined to notice and seek out evidence of God at work today. Praise God for our passionate LCES staff who are busy working to challenge our students to see things differently!

 That is what we do in Christian education; we attune young hearts and minds to with conviction profess that every square centimeter of this world belongs to God, and that all of it declares God’s glory. We aim to open wide the eyes and ears of our students to see God at work in our world today and to cultivate a servant-heart that directs gifts and talents to be used in joyful service.
It’s one of the many things that makes LCES a great place to be in everyday!

P.S. We look forward to seeing you all at the Back-to-School BBQ this Thursday evening at 5:30pm. If you see someone you don’t know, either a brand new or returning family, feel free to introduce yourself and welcome them warmly!

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