Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Connected World at Our Christian School

My parents once pointed out to my children where they were both born in Europe. The two very small towns were less than 100km from each other, however they lived in two very separate experiences that may as well have been worlds apart.  Only after travelling thousands of kilometres to a new land called Canada did they meet and eventually get married. I could see that it was challenging for my own children to understand that they lived so close together but were yet so far apart.

If I want to check out where my parents lived, or what the hotel I am about to book on the other side of the globe, I can virtually “walk” down the street. Surgeons are doing live consults with people who are half a world away. Voice recognition to tell your device to search for information is more than a party gimmick, it is a viable way to use a computer, tablet, or phone.

Here is something else I keep returning to as I notice these changes. Although we as parents and grandparents feel the whiplash of how fast these things change and how different it all is from a world we once knew, for our students there is little remarkable about this technology rich landscape. This is their normal, what they consider their starting point.

We are wise to follow those before us who have faced sweeping change and chosen to boldly say “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105) Training our student’s hearts and minds toward biblical wisdom remains our task and our best way to equip them to live in ways that are faithful in a world increasingly disconnected from our own experience.  I`m thankful for our Christian School who aims to do just that. 


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