Monday, September 23, 2019

A Noisy Safari at Our Christian School

The happy noises of learning and living in community are always around me, especially so at my desk in my office since both the JK and SK classrooms are immediately across the hall. I frequently hear the pulse of play, social trials and successes, joyful songs, and sometimes loud complaints and frustration. Once I overheard two students struggling with a learning task. One commented to the other “So many letters. Why couldn’t they just make five?” immediately answered by a classmate with  “then we would run out of things to learn too quick.”

Our school is abuzz with the noise of learning. In the middle of that buzz is the encouraging voices of our all teachers and support staff steering keep the safari of learning moving along to next stops. I’m thankful for their ability to create the atmosphere for learning and community that they do.

“Things that are hard are often where we learn the most.”
“The right choice is the one where everyone gets what they need.”
“Our best efforts is our best response to a God that loves us so much.”
“Helping hands are gentile hands.”
“When we notice God at work, we see things more clearly.” 

These are some soundbites of wisdom from our staff. Watching and listening to our youngest learners starting of the year is exciting to me. With fresh eyes and in circumstances and surroundings very new to them, they are both experiencing the gift and challenge of living in a community of learning.
They are learning to look with their eyes in a more focused way at God’s world and recognize with their heart God’s claim and purpose for them. I really don’t mind the noise that process creates and it’s a sound I won’t grow tired of it anytime soon.


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