Monday, November 17, 2014

What's the true story? A parent's perspective.

Today’s piece comes from a current parent. I trust you will be blessed by the reflective portrayal of the importance of what we do at LCES.  SJ

Standing at a check-out at the supermarket, one can't help but read the headlines of recent magazine publications: “Dress for Success”, “8 Money-Saving Tips” and more. It makes one wonder: “What is success?” and “Why is saving money the cover line of a magazine with contents enticing you to spend, spend, spend?”

We are bombarded by mass media telling us how to dress, how to look, and how to spend our money. The media, with all its avenues of influence, invites us into a story - complete with pictures- of what the good life looks like. Christian parents must be diligent and deliberate in their work to oppose a fallen world’s messages about what the story is really all about. We must help our children understand that they do not have to surrender to the premise that success is defined by the size of their house, body, and paycheque. Christians are part of a different and continuing story.

I am thankful that LCES is a space that has been created and sustained by three generations of faithful supporters to tell this story: the story of a good and loving God who created the world, loves His world, died to save it, and is restraining sin's destruction through the work of His followers. LCES continues to be a space where children are nurtured not only to hear God's story, but also to see themselves as participants in the story – identifying what has gone wrong in God's good world, seeking to restore it to God's original intent and telling others about Jesus, the world's redeemer, who makes all things possible.

At our school, the simple and repetitive practice of opening each day in devotions in a way that affirms that our World belongs to God: He is where we start our day, and everything and everyone is important enough to lift before God in prayer.  A Christian school also knows that every piece of the curriculum is only a part of a bigger picture of God's complete world. The skills learned in mathematics is not only essential because numbers matter if we are to function in society and get a good job, but because it is a good gift from God given to equip us to enjoy, respond and continue to create goodness in the world. Our theme this year is “Walk in the Way of Love” which is brightly displayed in the school's front entrance. What a wonderful counter-cultural message to be greeted with! Have you ever seen this headline on a magazine at a check-out stand? 

Anita Plat-Kuiken

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