When I am asked what makes a Christian school distinct and unique by someone not familiar with LCES or Christian schooling in general, one of my first responses is the teaching staff that spends 1000 hours of time with their child each school year. While we are blessed with a fantastic facility, teachers at our school are the backbone of our institution being able to deliver quality, Christian education that fulfills its vision to “educate children, equipping them for a life of faithful, Christian discipleship.”
Our teachers work from a deep sense of vocational calling. They believe that teaching is not only a
rewarding means by which to earn a living, they believe that God has specifically called and
equipped them to work in His kingdom in this way. They live in the unique space professionally of
having both the freedom and responsibility to live out their faith in the midst of that calling as they
Here are some details regarding the LCES staff that you may not already know:
-we have a team of approximately half full time teachers and half part-time teachers (less than
100%) who work together as a diversely talented team
-the average teaching experience for our teachers is 15.9 years, with a blend of newer and more
veteran teachers
-teachers are involved in professional development throughout the year, and frequently attend learning experience in the summer months to hone their craft of Christian teaching
-all of our teachers are graduates of a teacher’s education program at a variety of different universi-
ties and have teacher certification in the form of Christian School Teacher’s Certificate and/or their
Ontario College of Teachers Certificate of Qualifications
-every teacher takes turn leading a school-wide chapel throughout the year
-beyond classroom teaching, all of our staff take on responsibilities like coaching, event organizing,
safety duties, LIT (Leaders in Training), leadership in a provincial teacher’s association and much
-each full time teacher spends more than 80 hours outside the school supervising children through-
out the year
Praise God for the provision of a dynamic group of committed working professional ready to pace
alongside our students on their journey of discovery and learning along the road of faith.
Where would we be without them?
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