Monday, January 12, 2015

Comfort for hard times

"He guides me along the right paths for his names's sake." Psalm 23:3

On a warm autumn day, I found a pair of gloves. Snowmobile gloves actually, for sale for only a $1 at a garage sale though they were apparently never used. The need for air-conditioning and a cool drink was much more apparent that day compared to the need for gloves guaranteed for -20 or colder. My hands were sweating as I put them on. Nevertheless, I bought them and placed them where my cold hands would reach for them when winter first appeared.

Those gloves have been a source of immense help to me in the last number of months already as I shovel snow, go out on yard duty, or move about in the deep freeze of winter. They are the best pair I have ever owned. Tasks are made more possible, bearable and even comfortable by their addition to my life. I now count them as vital part of being prepared to face whatever the day brings.

I’ve been reminded in the last week that scripture functions for us in the same way. Many of the words of comfort, direction, and meaning from God’s Word are read first (and much more often) in circumstances of normal routine and peaceful life before they are pulled out in time of strife and anguish.  Much like the gloves that were added to my life more for the future rather than the present – we do well to wear in to our soul the familiar groves of scripture that will come to the surface by God’s prompting when adversity or trials blindside us.

Preparing our students in this way is a key part of what we do here at LCES. God’s Word is opened frequently, in all subjects and circumstances. Psalm 23 was the focus of this morning’s chapel as everyone present was challenged to lean in on these words to console us, orient us, and renew us. Much like a sheep that has every possible need met in the shepherd whose voice alone is a source of comfort, God’s Word is a “lamp for [our] feet, and a light for [our] path” – even on the darkest of days.

Grace, peace, and comfort to us all. SJ

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