Thursday, November 18, 2021

Teachable Moments At Our Christian School

Teachers, like parents of young students, listen to a tidal wave of questions and observations. Some of them amuse us, some challenge us, and sometimes the frequency of them can overwhelm our patience. Some perplex and surprise us, and some even sadden us as we realize that our students are meeting the reality of a fallen world in a new way. Other times we realize that we are challenged to reshape our own thoughts by the jubilant and faith-filled way our children respond to God's call. All of them are worth responding to; these are young minds looking for ways to unravel the truth found in God's world.

“But did it have to be like that? Couldn't God have made it work differently?” Why did God have to leave the possibility open for Adam and Eve to fall into sin? This was the classroom topic that I was privileged to hear concluding moments of. I'm convinced that many students left the class thinking differently after the teacher made the wise choice to pursue this “teachable moment” that arose spontaneously from the day's lesson.

There is so much more than skill development and content delivery going on in your child's classroom! Woven through the sum total of up to ten years of LCES education from K-8 are teachable moments that shape a child's worldview in ways that have implications through to eternity. I'm grateful that our qualified, Christian teachers seek out these opportune moments to help our students develop a discerning mind, a compassionate heart, and a willing spirit for service. Pray often for your child's teacher in this vital role they play in “equipping them for a life of faithful, Christian discipleship.” LCES Vision Statement


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