Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mopping, Grace, and Learning at Our Christian School

I mopped up a mess in a classroom today. The kind of mess that makes stomachs unsettled as they see the end result of someone else whose stomach couldn’t keep it all in. I’ll leave it at that. Since the class was not able to retain focus for the few moments it took to clean up, I gave them two thoughts to think on while I cleaned up that mess in front of them.

Learning is never wasted in God’s kingdom. I suggested to the class that the skill of learning how to mop, which I acquired when I was a fifteen year old McDonalds employee, is still something I can use today. I suggested to the students that you never know where the pathway of God’s purpose in your life may take you. A wise custodian said that to me in my first year as a teacher.

We have a unique opportunity to help when people are hurting or vulnerable. How we treat others in these moments is revealing about what we think about our calling, our community, our neighbour, and ourselves. Extending grace and service to someone else who is an awkward or embarrassing spot is our chance to respond to God and love our neighbour. Someday we will be on the other side of the moment, looking for someone else to be gracious in our moment of vulnerability.

It’s a joy to be able to frame these teachable moments within our Christian school. We pray often as staff that our students will grow in grace and wisdom during their years here at LCES. God bless us in that important work.


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