Saturday, September 14, 2019

Teachers Pacing Alongside Students

A teacher’s spot is not always at the front of the classroom.

In an education class I took many years ago I was introduced to a metaphor for guiding students through the maze of academic and spiritual growth we call learning at a Christian school. Rather than a teacher solely pushing information and ideas at leaners, the author proposed a healthy balance of “pacing alongside our students, speaking truth into their lives.” There is beauty in this metaphor that I’m reminded of as I think of some learning snapshots I’ve  already noticed in the first week of learning at LCES.  

The above pictures show our teaching staff doing some of this pacing activity. We are wise to recognize that learning is an activity deeply rooted in relationships. Jesus taught us this in the way he instructed his disciples. We read of the sermon on the mount and parables where Jesus directly instructs, however we also recognize that Jesus walked dusty roads, ate bread and fish with these men, hauled nets, washed feet – all while taking hold of teachable moments about the truth of the coming kingdom. The beautiful story of the road to Emmaus in Luke 24 examples Jesus literally pacing alongside those who were struggling to understand.  There was best timing and best way of instructing in that moment and Jesus used it.

Our LCES staff are a treasure. I’m so thankful for the space they make and the time they take to pace alongside our students. They are a steady voice of challenge and encouragement as our children unpack God’s world one amazing detail at a time. Pray for them as they walk with our students, your children each day. They are doing work that has an impact today, and for eternity.


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