Saturday, June 15, 2019

Adventure Camp and Graduation at Our Christian School

Hours and days and years and ages,
Swift as moving shadows flee;
As we scan life's fleeting pages,
Nothing lasting do we see.
On the paths our feet are walking,
Footprints all will fade away;
Each today as we enjoy it
Soon becomes a yesterday.

Our soon-to-be grade eight graduates left last week to head to Camp Medeba, an outdoor adventure camp in Muskoka. God blessed them with safety, growth, and fellowship for three days. It was a memorable trip that I was blessed to be a participant in. Swinging from trees, campfire conversations, and washing dishes with students helps you know them better. 

When our daughter was born someone sent us a congratulatory card and included “class of 2027” in the handwritten message. The sender obviously had sensed how quickly time moves our children from crib to career. I’ll have to admit, holding my 3 week old daughter at the time in my hands as I read it, the thought of a grade eight graduation felt a little far off.  I know it is coming though. I’m so thrilled that Christian education lies in wait to help my wife and I boldly assert “as for us and our household, we will serve the Lord.”  (Joshua 24:15). 

At birth, did the parents of our current graduates have any idea of the nature of the world their children would call home in 2019? Did they know the joys and challenges that awaited them, the unique identity of who their children would become, or the ways in which they would need the Lord’s help along the journey to graduation and beyond? Likely not, but I trust that the gift or Christian education in their lives for part of that journey has been a strong voice of patterning God’s truth into their lives.  I trust the same will be true for those entering JK/SK this fall!


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