As principal, I’ve seen a steady stream of class trip
planning sheets coming across my desk in the last months as teachers
anticipated May and June. As I read them and consider the unique experiences
they will be for our students, I can’t help but be excited for them. Each one
opens wider a world made for them by the Lord’s hand.
God formed sky, land, and sea;
stars above, moon and sun,
making a world of color, beauty, and variety—
a fitting home for plants and animals, and us—
a place to work and play,
worship and wonder,
love and laugh. Our World Belongs to God: A Contemporary
The length, educational focus, and structure of the class trips
are always different, but one thing remains the same. These memorable experiences
are highlights of learning. Why does LCES send students on class trips? I can
think of several reasons:
These experiences help our students to see God’s
world as a place of beauty and offer experiences to develop wonder and praise
for an amazing world of people and places.
Taking the classroom on the road creates
invaluable “touchstone” moments for our students to connect previous learning
or prepare working examples for future learning as they see God’s world as a
connected, purposeful, and intricate place prepared for his children.
Students see their teacher, classmates, and even
parents in a different way as they respond to different topics and ways of
learning. They understand each other’s interests, passions, and talents more
fully, and emerge a stronger community.
Students can see the world in its brokenness,
and yet see hope in the ways to redeem it.
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