Saturday, March 30, 2019

Beaver Teeth and Wonder at Our Christian School

 “Mr. Janssen, did you know that a beaver’s teeth never stop growing?”

Frequently, I have reason to speak with our students. On the vast majority of situations, I have the pleasure of celebrating things with them; a birthday, a recent creation or project, a story from their life outside school, stitches or a broken arm, or something they think is “amazing” about God’s creation.  Recounting a recent class trip, inspecting a loose or missing tooth, hearing of family adventures, or describing a new game they made – all of these are joyful conversations. Sometimes I forget how new all these experiences are for them – they are encountering “firsts” nearly evey day.

Life is amazing. Though our attention tends to wander toward areas of frustration, concern, worry or lament faster than wonder – our world is an astounding place. Your child’s days are filled with seeing, appreciating, and attempting to understand many brand new things for the very first time. “Wonder creates awe, and awe creates worship” a friend of mine used to say. While eyes and ears are focused to see these things, what a perfect opportunity to be telling the mighty acts of God and answering the big questions of life like “Who am I?, “Where am I?”, “What’s my purpose?”, and “Where are going?”.

“There is wonder all around us, and it is God’s will to fill us with that wonder that makes life enchanting and sacred.”  Ravi Zacharias

I’m thankful for Christian education which not only draws our children’s attention to an amazing creation, but also to worship its creator. All of life (including learning at London Christian Elementary School) is sacred. Praise God for that eyes that see and hearts and minds consumed with awe and wonder!


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