Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Taking stock: Report Cards at Our Christian School

“Wouldn’t be easier if the leaves just stayed on all year?” Students ask the most interesting questions of us while they learn. The genuine  interest and deep curiosity that awakens in them often makes me smile.

Seven large containers of leaves at the curb in front of my house reminded me this morning as I left that fall has nearly come and gone. Things have changed since the first day of school back in September. This is true for the trees around London, but this is also true for the students at our school. Most of them have been in school for more than 45 days. It’s soon time to take stock of what has been happening in the academic, social, physical, and spiritual lives of our students!

It’s true! Teachers are working through drafts of the first set of report cards that will go home at the end of this week. While your children were home last Friday, staff were tabulating results and crafting words to celebrate areas of growth and achievement as well as outline areas for focus and attention in the next term. Please join me in praying for our teachers to be able to accurately and productively acknowledge the learning journey of our students. Looking at a term as whole, it is exciting for us to marvel at their growth as they become more aware of themselves as learners and continue to gain knowledge and wisdom in the study of God’s world. (Including why leaves have to fall each year).

These sessions are invaluable for parents and teachers as they connect and strengthen the partnership
between home and school and ensure that both are well informed. I continue to see evidence in my
professional reading that confirms parent involvement in education and effective communication
between home and school are strong factors linked to student success.

I can hardly wait for these great community events that these two days represent: parents choosing quality, Christian education for their children and delighting in the goodness of a community that shares in that commitment.


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