Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Learning as Serving: The Love of God School

What’s behind that name?
École L’Amour de Dieu” – or the Love of God School. What a beautiful expression of purpose!

This week in chapel Ms.Wassink shared details of a visit she made to Children of the Promise and Lagossette Christian School that has this expression as part of their name. (See childrenofthepromise.org).  This organization works to be a faithful, life-sustaining presence in the country of Haiti as it works with very sick or orphaned children. In a context where the average Haitian receives less than five years of school, the youth literacy rate is 38%, and undernourishment of the very young is a very real challenge, we are excited to partner with this organization as all LCES students and staff collectively build God’s kingdom in a tangible way. 

What does a student service project look like at LCES?
Each LCES classroom selects an activity, event, or means whereby they give of their time and effort to raise funds that are passed over to an organization at the close of that school year. In classrooms and chapels, our students learn about this part of the world and the organization we are partnering with.  Examples of these efforts include a fun fair organized entirely by students, running a a Poinsettia
sale, or selling refreshments at a school play or smoothies in the hot days of late May.

Why do we do this?
There are two main reasons that we take on a whole-school service project each year:
  • To challenge our students to carefully and continually consider that not everyone in the world lives an experience identical to their own here in the London, ON area. God’s very big world includes a diversity of culture, language, and expression of faith, and the distribution of resources, wealth and opportunity is often very different than what our children know here.
  • In a frequently “me-first” centered culture, we want to pattern our children’s hands and hearts to be quick to serve others and see themselves as being a blessing as they are blessed.

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