Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Road Trips and Responsibility

“Your word is a lamp for [our] feet, a light on [our]path.”  Psalm 119: 105

I've just returned from the “near north” of Ontario with our grade eight students who took in an outdoor adventure camp for three days.  I can assure you our students were outstanding in their attitude, conduct, choices, and supportive efforts to ensure everyone had a great time. One of the things they did was to learn a new skill of finding their way from place to place using a hand-held GPS device with very specific longitude and latitude coordinates. 

Paths will diverge in just a few weeks. Many of our families have shared with me details of summer travel plans that are in place. People pour over travel brochures, websites, maps, and talk to others who have already traveled to desired destinations to ensure the experience will be all that it can be as a family holiday. There is joy in preparing for an experience that one knows will go well when adequate preparations have been made. There is also joy in finding unexpected treasures, spontaneous opportunities, and memorable coincidences along the way.

A school’s path might also be compared to a journey with bends, turns, unexpected challenges and delights. We are nearing the end of multi-month planning process to ensure that 2017/18 will be added as another great year of living before the Lord as a school committed to biblical wisdom. We know full well that we have responsibility to make steps to prepare for a great year; we also realize that we need to leave room for the Lord’s provision and the Spirit’s prompting to direct us on the right paths, some of which we don’t even know exist yet.

Please join me in praying for God’s provision of a great meeting in which we can move forward the vision of the school, “To educate children, equipping them for a life of faithful, Christian discipleship.”


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