Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Built Right In: Words Etched in Stone

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Psalm 111:10

I showed a potential new family through our school this morning. The joyful discovery of this text above by the parent just outside of my office started a significant discussion. Engraved in hard black granite, it was built right into our building in 1962 in the form of a keystone just outside the former front doors. That “home” of LCES has expanded over the years, now placing this keystone inside our beautiful facility that the Lord has blessed us with, where we work to sustain our vision statement: “To educate children, equipping them for a life of faithful, Christian discipleship.”

“Wonderful! What a statement!” was the reaction of a different parent earlier this spring after seeing
most of the school, watching teachers and students interact, and seeing how we teach, and most importantly how a student is viewed by everyone participating in his/her education. “Knowing, loving, and serving God is built right in here, just like that stone is built right into this school.”

“I want my child to be seen as I see them, a gift from God, a precious person, someone God watches
over. My child is God’s child before they are anything else. That’s missing in their education right
now.” I’m unsure how those words affect you, but I found them to be encouraging, humbling, and invigorating.

We have important work underway in this place - the care of God’s children. Young minds and hearts
being nurtured in the Lord in the habits of faith are growing in wisdom in an encouraging community.
How many students and parents have walked past that keystone through its many years of prominent
position? Thousands, I’m sure. I appreciate its message every time my eyes are drawn to it in my hallway travels.


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