So what does it mean for a Christian school to practice resurrection daily? Chapel this morning challenged us to think on this and find ways to move the Easter Sunday “He is Risen” into all the rest of our days as we live in community and learn here at LCES.
We aim to take each day on as new gift. Being present in today is a challenge with the demands on
our time, our focus, and our money. Leaving the past to God’s mercy and the future to God’s discretion allows us to see God’s hand of guidance and blessing in all of our life.
We aim to work gratitude into a daily practice. Recognizing how much we have been given in opportunities and provision for daily life keeps away life-killing things like boredom, greed, jealousy and despair. We are very blessed, dearly loved, and held in the grip of love that knows no bounds.
We pay attention to the renewal of things around us. God sustain and renews His creation in ways
that show such care; spring is the ideal time for us to see that birds return, new life emerges from dead leaves and dormant plants spring back to life.
We give our imagination and creativity wide room to direct our efforts and energy. God made
an amazing world, not only in what we already see around us but in the potential that lies within creation which he asks us to explore. We see the renewal of creation and God’s coming Kingdom when we explore in this way.
We practice forgiveness and pursue healing in our relationships. When we do these things and
see the restoration and renewal they create, we better understand God’s renewal of us through Christ.
I appreciated these words of direction and challenge for our daily life. May God bless our staff and students as we live out the truth of the resurrection every day. SJ
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