Camp Westerbork in the Netherlands was originally a safe haven for Jews fleeing Germany just before WWII. After Germans took hold of it, it became a gateway for Jews and others to be moved through to other concentration camp locations throughout Europe. Desiring compliance and control, an illusion of a good, civilized life was created by music, sports, a school, hospital, and more. Each Tuesday more than a thousand left the camp by rail and eventually died at the hands of those who
believed absolute power and tyranny could create a better life for some. It was a place of deceit that led to death for more than 100,000.
There is great pain in remembering the high cost of peace and the atrocities of war each Remembrance Day. Those who have personally and directly felt those costs have experiences that awaken remembrance within them all the time. Those who have not, which includes most of our students who have no such direct connection or experience of present or past pain, depend on others to prompt them to listen to the stories of sacrifice and the gift of peace. Growing in wisdom means teaching the value of remembrance for our students, who will live in a time we will not see. Remembrance Day reminds us of a world torn apart by the depths of sin, and yet entirely loved by its creator and rests in His care.
We will remember.
Students from JK-6 will participate in a special assembly of remembrance at the school from 10:45-
11:15am on Wednesday. Grades 7 & 8 will travel to the downtown area of London to participate in
the cenotaph proceedings. The LCES community is welcome to come and join us in the school gym.
We will remember.
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