Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter & Resurrection Gardens

Christ is Risen, 
       He is Risen Indeed! 

Our grade ½ students were challenged to create resurrection gardens this week as part of their remote learning. They gathered natural materials such as stones, wood, dirt, and vegetation to create unique and personal depictions of the physical settings of the events of this holy week as we approach Easter. Their busy hands and creativity were evident in the unique end results they shared with their classmates using pictures. What a joy to see them proudly share, even though they haven’t been together in a physical classroom in some time.

There will be stories told about these times for many years. This all feels pretty significant, and for some the story is perhaps starting to feel heavy, hopeless, and unending. Although the last month has led us through things we’ve never seen and had us living with challenges we were not expecting, we desire to remember and celebrate a much bigger, more important story of the gift of a Saviour who made all things new and gave us abundant life. May we marvel at the words of the angel who met the women in the most important resurrection garden, “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.” (Matthew 28:6) Christ is risen! SJ

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Remote learning: Singing The Lord's Song In a Foreign Land

It's surprising how quickly a scene like this one, taken last December, seems to be a time and place that feels odd to us today as our school remains active, but not our building remains closed. Clearly we were socially connected then, and not too physically distant from each other. I can remember the sounds of  this Christmas lunch merriment, with all those students, teachers and parents in the gym. That was a fun day.

In Psalm 137:4, we read “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?” The Psalmist was lamenting that he was no longer living in the promised land, but rather struggling in captivity under the Babylonian empire.

While the bricks and mortar of our building have not moved, we do find ourselves taken away to a foreign, new land of remote learning. There has been lament and loss, however we also have seen new beginnings and opportunities this week. God is good. We will return to the land of familiar classrooms, playground adventures, chapels, and in-person conversations and, something I really miss, groups of students laughing and singing.

Meanwhile, we will aim to be faithful “singing the Lord’s song in a "foreign land.”