How do we shape learning at LCES?
Consider the following four pillars:
Connectedness We
aim for our students to see God’s creation as an intricate, complex, and
amazing example of how purposeful God is. God’s world is something to be
studied as a whole, as well as in parts.
want our students to develop tools and have opportunities to practice, under
the watchful idea of a passionate educator, figuring out what is God’s truth
and what is means for them. God’s world is designed around God’s truth.
strive to have our students live out the truth of biblically knowing as the
study the Lord’s handiwork directs them to love their neighbor in every way, in
everything they do and say. Community is God’s good gift to us.
world is a thing of beauty and we wish for our students to meet God in new ways
as they learn. God’s world speaks of his greatness.
things guide our learning!