LCES Board meetings in January and February have been
focusing on taking stock of what we are, where are, and where we feel called to
go as a school. I left one such meeting a few weeks ago with my head full of
thoughts from the valuable discussion. Sleep evading me, I thought I would take
the opportunity to try to get specific with the first question; “Who is LCES?”
LCES is not just a building that is spacious and bright
it does look like that that
LCES is not just a place of song, laughter, quiet
concentration, and noisy learning
it does sound like that
LCES is not just a school of people who enjoy community
we are blessed to live with much in common
LCES is not just a place of change, growth, and renewal
we delight each term with how students change
LCES is not just a place where students are steered toward a
future occupation
we do find joy in recognizing gifts and talents for use in God’s kingdom
LCES is not place where people are perfect and problems
escape us
we are in need of God’s grace like everyone else
LCES is a place
of learning that exists because of Christ
from him, and through him, and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen” (Rom 11:35)