In addition, children need other caring adults in their lives who also see them as children of God as they bravely make their way through a sometimes scary world. The Christian school provides those other caring adults. In a world that may seem chaotic, our children need the security of a place where parent and teacher values are aligned. Our children need a place of sanctuary where any adults in the child’s space are guided by the same spiritual values that shape the parents’ interactions with their children. Our children need a place where they can reach out to an adult and know that the Christ who is continuously shaping that adult is the same Christ who is at work molding the child. The Christian school provides that place.
The journey on which our children find themselves is difficult at times. Never underestimate the power of the Christian parent and the Christian school coming together to help our children calm fears and provide encouragement. Remember that when we are dealing with the tough stuff, God will never let our children go.
"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20
Praise God for that sure assurance. SJ